In Daily Lives

中高年 山歩き トレッキング 夫婦円満 青空 湖 湿原

Do you want to continue walking with your own foot forever?

There is something we can do from now.

First of all, it is important to know about your own body.

And like cars and home appliances, it is important to "use properly" and "to do maintenance" for the body.

1, Know the cause of the pain


We will find the mechanism of pain with "alignment check".

Why always the same place that hurts?

We will explain it clearly.


チェックリスト 問診 アライメントチェック

2, Make the insoles


The foot is the foundation of man. Make custom insoles so that it can be used correctly. 


We also check the shoes problem.


インソール作成 中敷き作成 オーダーメイドインソール スポーツインソール

3, Training for improvement


We will teach you how to do the right way of walking, using the gravity.


We also teach self-care to maintain good condition.

 (about30min・totaltime about 90min )





インソール作成 中敷き作成 歩行指導 姿勢指導

Foot problem improvement program



Make Custom Insoles 1pr

Alignment Improvement Training

( about 90 min )